The picture on my shoulder is not who I am. But it expresses a part of me.
A love for an animal that has come to represents a change in me.
A change in how I see God.
How I see Fear.
How I see myself.
It represents grace and danger.
Something to respect and stand in awe.
As I child I feared them. A look in those black eyes would cause me to turn away. Even when behind the glass in an aquarium. When I moved back to San Jose, I discovered a love for hockey. And it so happened that the local team had a mascot I used to fear. Somewhere in learning about off-sides, icing, interference and slashing I started to love the shark as the animal. I continued to learn the rules of a graceful yet often violent game--cheering on a good fight as much as a sweet goal--I also started discovering about the lives of some fish
Fish that have a bad reputation.
Its the balance of how peaceful they can swim and how dangerous they can be when they're doing exactly what they're supposed to do.
And the more that is known about them, the more questions about them arise.
The death they cause brings them their life. The blood is part of what they're supposed to be.
Old and simple yet they're still a mystery.
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