Sunday, June 1, 2008


Just something I came across in one of my journals today. It seemed to tie into something that was said in church today and decided to share. not so much poetry as just thoughts I wrote down while sitting in a conference. Always intresting to look back at past journal entries--see where i've been, where i'm at...maybe insight into where i'm going.

two worlds
i belong to one, live in another
I dream of one transforming the other
but live with the other corupting the dream

i cry at the difference i see

looking at what the dream is
is the sacrifice worth it? will there be a difference?
so many voices about those two worlds
voices that bleed together
the background noise can be overwhelming

where is the truth in the midst of all this grey
is there black and white
how far am i
how close
how do i reconcile this tension in my head, in my heart, my life, my soul

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